Series Details:


A register of all convicts with column information for: REGISTRATION NUMBER, NAME, When Received, Age When Received (Color – White/Mulatto/Black; Sex – Male/Female), NATIVITY, Complexion, Color of Hair, Color of Eyes, MARKS AND SCARS, Size of Foot, Height (feet/inches), Weight When Admitted, Parental Relations (Both Parent living at 16/Father died before 16/Mother died before 16/Both parents died before 16/Parents & Guardians Were intemperate/Home Influences were good/Home influences were Bad), Schools (Attended Public Schools/Attended Private Schools/ Age on leaving School/Never went to School/Attended Sunday S. Reg’ly/Habitual Sabbath Breaker), Education (Can not Read of Write/Read or Read and Write Imperfectly/Read and Write/ Superior Education), Industrial Relations (Unapprenticed/Apprentices and Absconded/Apprenticed and Served Time/Not Apprenticed but Served 4 or more years at trade), OCCUPATION BEFORE CONVICTION, Habits (Abstinent, Medical Drinkers, Occasionally intemperate, Intemperate) Civil Condition (Never married, Married, Widowed, No. of Children Living), Army or Navy (Served in Army or Navy, In neither), CRIME, Date of Sentence, Term of Sentence, Sentenced to Hard Labor, Number of Convictions, When Imprisoned Before, Time Served in Prison, Number of Days allowed under Commutation Law, Number of Days Sickness, Number of Time Punished, and REMARKS.

Arrangement: Chronological by date when convict received.

Index: None.


Dates 1872 … 1961
Format Volume
Quantity 1 vol.
Location Cumberland County;