Election returns of township and borough officials. Early returns are for Constables, Overseers of the Poor, and Supervisors of Public Roads/Highways. Overtime, returns for other municipal offices are added (Assessor, Auditor, School Director, Town Clerk, Borough Officials, etc.). Information varies, but most returns include name of municipality, person elected or appointed, position, and term; date and place of the election or town meeting; and appropriate signatures of Election Officers. Some returns list all candidates and the number of votes received by each. Among the returns a few related documents can also be found: constable bonds and fees, notifications (primarily to newly elected Overseers of the Poor), oaths, recommendations, resignations, petitions to fill vacancies or for removal of a person from office, contested election papers, etc. Note 1:The vote by eligible voters met the third Saturday of March each year at a town meeting and returned the results to the court. Note 2. "Freeholders" or "Settlers" elected refers to the auditor's position.
Arrangement: Chronological by year and therein alphabetical by municipality.
Index: None. Click "inventory" for list of holdings.
Related Recods: Election Volumes 1. ELECTION DOCKETS 1839-1975
2.ELECTION RETURNS DOCKETS Municipal 1976-1989
3. ELECTION RETURNS BOOKLETS Primaries and General 1925-2012
4. SOLDIERS POLL BOOKS 1864, 1916 (oversized storage)
Clerk of Courts Volumes 4. QUARTER SESSIONS DOCKETS
Clerk of Courts Papers 5. ELECTION MUNICIPAL Indebtedness Bonds 1889…1917
6. ELECTION MUNICIPAL Polling Place Changes 1845…1941
Commissioners Papers 9. ELECTION WITHDRAWALS 1917…1943