Series Details:


Tax exonerations approved for township and borough tax collectors excusing them from collecting various taxes. Information includes name of township or borough, name of the tax collector, the tax year the exonerations were submitted, and, for most years, the treasurer's voucher number; names of taxpayers with the type of tax (county, state, militia, school, and road tax are listed only in the earlier years), amount due, and the reason the tax collector is unable to collect the taxes; total exoneration amount to be deducted from the tax collector's collection amount; date of verification by the tax collector and Commissioners' clerk with signatures and for some years the date of approval by the Commissioners. Note 1. Exonerations requested for a tax year are not always the year of filing or approval. Note 2. Some support papers include assessors' correspondence. Note 3. Many entries do not have documents, but are verified by Voucher/Exoneration Check Stubs and Orders.

Arrangement: Chronological by the year the exoneration requests were submitted and therein sequential by treasurer's voucher

number. For most years, the sequential voucher numbers parallel chronologically the approval or affirmation date.

For 1863 to 1870 the exonerations are not numbered and have been artificially arranged chronologically.

Sequential numbering in some years can continue into the next year. Check the EXONERATION YEAR column.

Index: See "Inventory" for list of holdings.

Related Records:

1. Commissioners' Volumes: Tax Exoneration Check Book for voucher stubs for tax exonerations 1878 to 1909.

2. Treasurer's Papers: Tax Collectors' Exonerations - vouchers (given to the Treasurer)


Dates 1841 … 1914
Format Papers
Quantity 3 cu. ft.
Location Cumberland County;