Series Details:


Quarterly reports to the Commissioners of all prisoners received at the county prison. Name of the prisoner, when committed, by whom, and cause of detainure are listed, often in a chart form. Additional information may include in what court session sentenced, length of sentence, when discharged, remarks, and notaion of race ("colored" or "Negro"). Many reports are sectioned to differentiate information for convicts, prisoners for waiting trial, and insolvent debtors. Several Governor's Pardons are present, as well as two copies for a report: one for the Commissioners and one for the Courts. Reports are signed by the jailer (gaoler) or the sheriff.

Arrangement: Chronological by report date.

Index: See "Inventory" for list of holdings.

Related Records: Sheriff's Volumes: 1.COMMITMENTS REGISTER Quarterly Reports 1872-1882

2. DAILY RECORD Daily 1864-1929

3. DISCHARGE DOCKET 1872-1896.


Dates 1776 … 1889
Format Papers
Quantity 1 cu. ft.
Location Cumberland County;